Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
And the award goes to.......

I am very honored and touched to receive this very special award. My thanks goes out to Mandy for without her I would never received it. I am so new to this blogging stuff but already I am addicted. I love reading other people's blogs too so if you come across any great ones, please pass them on!
Here are the rules that accompanying this award.
1. Post the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who nominated you.
3. Nominate 7 other people for this award and add links to their blog.
4. Leave a message for the people that you nominated!
I nominate the following people:
1. Debra, for being the most awesome procrastinating blogger I know.
2. Mandy, for the encouragement to start and her cute layouts
3. Tara G for her awesome posts!
4. Ramanda for her cool post about her dishtowels catching on fire, mine did the same thing!
5. Janice, for having such cute videos of her girls.
And I ran out of people to nominate. I sure need more blogger friends.....
1. Some pictures from high school of many friends including Mandy, Debra, Josie and of course the wonderful Brett!
2. Messes like no other in my kids rooms. They have now been scolded severely about their rooms and what they can and cannot do in them.
3. I am a pack rat. Yes I finally admitted it, and I think my husband is astonished. I did throw a lot of shoes away that I thought I might wear one more time though. Now I told him I can buy more shoes! He just laughed at me.
I am sure more funny things will follow along with actual pictures of our new house!
It's all about the memories!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Dad Dick
A few years ago, my step dad and my mom got a divorce. My dad has still been in my life and of course in my kids lives. He has been a part of my life for so long I really don't remember a whole lot without him. About 5 years a go he decided to move to Alaska and we have really been missing him. He comes down about once a year and most of these pictures are from last year's visit. Last year he and Riley made a pact that if he wanted to go visit grandpa he had to raise half of the money for a plane ticket. Well Riley leaves on Thursday and comes back in August! I will miss him so but I know he will have a great time with grandpa!

Freeze... tag you're it!
Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
5. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
6. Let your tagger know when your entry is up...
1. I love ladybugs. All of my tattoos are of ladybugs and I collect them in every size and shape. I even picked one up in Aruba on our cruise.
2. I collect postcards from everywhere. So if you go somewhere fun or interesting, pick up a postcard for me and I'll add it to my collection.
3. I am an only child and yes this explains my being a spoiled brat!
4. We just bought our first house and I am loving it!
5. I (unlike most married women) LOVE my in-laws. They are some of the most wonderful people I have ever met. They are so kind and caring and you can talk to them about anything without fear of judgement. Even though Clint put them through hell growing up, they still love him and oh my gosh is that awesome! Ha ha
6. When I worked for the Faceless Corporation of America (a.k.a. Wal-Mart) I worked in almost every department there. My favorite was in the cash office though.
I tag Debra,and Ramanda. Everyone else has been tagged already sorry!
Monday, July 28, 2008
The darling Heber

In the midst of the move I realized that my daughter looked pretty cute. Dirty but cute. She just roams all over the road and plays on the swing set and gets filthy dirty. I love this hat on her and in the solo pic I think she looks like she has a bonnet on. She is a total Daddy's girl and is always loving on him. She will walk around with her arms clamped on his leg and just say walk Dad walk. She is too adorable!

The many faces of.....

The many many faces of my girls. Some sad, some crazy, some happy, and some mad, but all are loved with all my heart.
Anika is 7 now and it seems like she was just born yesterday. She starts 2nd grade this year and has had to change schools because of our move. She is very anxious to ride the bus every day and wonders which of her friends will also go to Naples. Boy how I love my girls!
You're driving me... to the movies!

The Duke....

Clint and the girls just loving on Duke!

Anika playing keep away from Heber with the dog...

Anika and Duke!

Mr Wonderful getting licked...

Don't friggin take my picture! It looks like I have a horn on the top of my head! OMG it was late at night!
Friday, July 25, 2008
The Goodman Zoo

Here is Clint's impression of Duke... LMAO!
Duke isn't much bigger than Clint's foot here.
Duke loves to sleep in weird places. Here I found him behind the hose reel and his head propped up on the hose teeth bared. I think he looks like Falcor on The Never Ending Story!
Duke and Sundae weren't friends at first but they are learning to play very well.

24th O' July

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Surviving Camp Flaming Gorge


my new blog...Thanks Mandy
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
about the Goodman's
Thanks to Mandy for giving me the courage to take this plunge and start this blog.