Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Doctor Appt update!

I went to the doctor today and was hoping for some better news than he gave me but oh well. I wanted him to say lets go to the hospital and have this baby! I hadn't dilated as much as I wanted but the doctor did strip my membranes and sent me home. He said he may see me in the delivery room by tomorrow! I would be so excited! Just wanted to let you all know! Have a wonderful day!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Baby Shower

Yesterday my family threw me a little baby shower. It was so much fun even though we didn't have many people attend. We played some fun games that Leslie made and had some wonderful food and fun decor from my mom and Aunt Teri. I got some wonderful blankets that I will cherish and can't wait to use! Enjoy the pix!

My mom won the Don't forget about Daddy quiz. It was a bunch of questions about Clint and what he said when he found out we were expecting. My favorite questions on there were the ones about what he wanted the baby to get from me and from himself. He wants the baby to have my smarts and his sense of humor! Let's all hope those don't get switched at birth!

Here is my Aunt Teri. She is such an awesome woman!

Here are Julie and Delaine chilling. Julie won the scrambled baby words we did.

Here are Anika, my step mom Carmen, and my Grandma Donna.

My most awesomest cousin Leslie (those were her words)!

Here is my wonderful friend Amanda opening her gift for the Nursery Rhyme game with some assistance from Heber.

This brown and pink blanket was made by Delaine and I just love the patterns to it!

My Aunt Ruth made this quilt with the purple minkie on the back and the ladybugs and frogs on the front! I am tempted to use it for myself!

This is a blanket that Carm bought the material to make and then found another blanket with the same material so she bought it too!

This is a blanket that I helped Carm start waaaaaay back when I was pregnant with Anika and we never ever got it finished. Carm made up the border on it and suprised me with this gift at the shower, and I love it!

This is Heber checking out the Winnie the Pooh gift sets I got!

Anika loves the tutu Delaine made for the baby! Now all my girls have tutus and I will have to post pics of them!

All in all it was a wonderful shower and we had a good time. Now who is coming over to put all of this stuff away for me??

Romeo and Juliet...Duke and Delilah

My husband is heart broken as his best friend Duke has a new friend Delilah. She is the cutest dog and she lives next door but gets out quite often and comes to visit. Otherwise you will see them both visiting through the fence. Two times in just the last three days she has broken out and come to play with Duke. We don't mind but I think the neighbors don't like her digging out of their yard. I think its payback for when my mom's dog Chamois would dig under the fence to go see them! LOL!Delilah is a mix of pit bull and bull dog and we would love to have a dog like her if only the neighbors would give her up!

They give each other hugs...

And wrestle all the time...

And the occasional kiss, mixed with lots of slobber of course!

Friday, June 26, 2009

So glad...

I am so glad that baseball and softball seasons are over. I enjoyed them but am also glad they are over. Riley's team ended up taking second place,and Anika's 3rd place. They both had wonderful coaches this year! I am not working anymore and the doctor said that is a good thing! I went in for a check up on Wednesday and he said I was dilated to a 2 but not effacing. He said it could be that I went into labor that night or within a week. Darn him he wouldn't pinpoint it for me! LOL! I'm just glad he is back in town to deliver my baby. After he said that I was so excited that I started tackling all my little to do's around the house. So far, we have replaced the screen door handle, washed all the outside windows, painted my flower Amanda gave me, and stained my front door. I cleaned my house from top to bottom and right now you can't even tell! That is so frustrating! I also have started to make my birth announcements. Mandy came up with a very cute card and I am going to copy her! I hope they turn out as cute as her card! Tomorrow is my baby shower and I am starting to stress a little bit as I realize all the things I don't have! I would love to rush right out and buy the things I'm wanting but Clint keeps telling me to hold off for a couple more days! He is so smart! Haha. Anyway, as for right now I am just taking it easy and playing around. I'm going to spend one day this weekend just cooking dinners to freeze and would love any suggestions you may have! I also have been uploading a ton of pictures on Face book from when my kids were younger...go here to see them! I update Facebook several times a day so add me as a friend for the most up to date baby news! Have a great day!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

This one is for Robin Conner

Robin has asked for a preggo picture and so here it is. Please don't post it on any of the funny picture sites! LOL! Less than 2 weeks to go!

Fathers Day weekend meant family reunions!

Over the weekend we had the big Workman family reunion at Naples park. It was a lot of fun and we hadn't been in so many years! It was very nice to see all the relatives we hadn't talked to in a while.

Brashae got her heart on her face!

Everyone needs more cotton candy!

Grandpa Gary and Anika

Brashae and Anika on the playground!

Grandma Carm and the heathen on the zebra!

Sleeping on the tramp

I'm not sure if our girls are wussies or what, because Clint and I both lived on our trampolines when we grew up, and our girls are so afraid of sleeping on it. I can remember sleeping out on Kristen's tramp and she on ours many many times, and Clint says he practically stayed every night on theirs growing up too. Well the girls finally got brave enough to try it out Friday night. We were supposed to have gone up the mountain camping but the rain ruined those plans. I think they had fun anyways!

yeah they look so sweet and innocent...

Starting out the night in their sleeping bags.

One little redhead started it all...

Then they all had to jump around! They finally laid down about 10:30 and we thought they were good for the night, but as we were getting in bed about 11:45 Clint could hear Heber out there crying and she woke up the other 2 and they all came inside to sleep! They did last a lot longer than we thought though! Maybe next time they will make it all night!

What my husband has been up to!

I don't know if many of you know Clint all that well but he is my rock! He is always letting me go and do stuff and staying home with the kids. I so appreciate him and have been wanting him to go have more guy time doing what he wants to. A couple of months ago he started talking about talking some MMA (Mixed martial arts) classes. After calling to get information he found out that he could take a free class to find out if he really liked it or not. Turns out he loves it! He has been going to the class for about 2 1/2 months now and is always so excited to tell me about it. He isn't interested in doing the cage fighting right now (and to tell you the truth Im not sure how I would handle that) but he loves to spar with the others in the class. One night he came home telling me about how this guy had kicked him in the leg and it was pretty sore... I didn't think much of it until he was like Hey babe check out my bruise. So of course I had to take a picture and here it is! Sorry about the underwear shot but its the only thing you can see the bruise in!

It was sore for about a week before it healed up but he has also given out some injuries like splitting a guys lip open, and making guys tap out. Anyway he is now going to take a couple of months off and hit the gym again with me after the baby comes and we will see what kind of shape we can get back in!

Where have all the good times gone?

I cannot believe it has been so long since I blogged! I have a lot of posts so sorry! First of was the girls' birthday party. We usually have a double party since the girls' birthdays are only 8 days apart and this year was no exception. Anika did have some friends over though and they all had a blast! I sure can't believe Anika is 8 and Brashae is 5! A good time was had by all and as always the girls got spoiled rotten, well ok just spoiled! We sure love our girls and can't wait until Heber's birthday now. She hasn't stopped talking about it even though its like 3 months away! I hope she iwll still be excited about it when it does get here..Enjoy the pics!

This is their cake, they wanted a cupcake cake made in the shape of a flower... I think I got it!

The cute letters I had Mandy make for Anika's room!

Heber loves pupcakes! I think she ate 6 of them!

Dad and Riley were bored with the festivities!

The spoiled birthday girls!

The only part that wasn't fun for me was putting together all the little pieces of the Barbie sets, that crap is for the birds! I think it was my parent's way of getting back at me for them having to put together all of mine when I was little!