Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Heber's 3rd birthday....

Yesterday was Hebers 3rd birthday and she started preschool. I cannot believe how much she is growing up and how fast.

Heber and Dad before preschool!

My beautiful 3 year old!

She loves these balls and has about 5 of them!

Waiting in line for the ice cream truck!

The best darn ice cream truckers in town!

Maci Rae, Heber and Jace waiting for cake.

The cupcake cake from walmart!

Moody Riley Dylan!

This was the rainbow "called in" by Aunt Teri made by Heavenly Father!

Heber and her pink balloon!

Maci and Heber!

Broncos Game!

Here are some awesome pics from our trip to Denver and the awesome Broncos game! WE bought the tickets from the benefit for our dear friend Kevin Campbell. Some friends bought the other 2 tickets but couldn't go at the last minute so Clint's sister and dad went with us. We had an awesome time! Clint and I had never been and we had such a great time. They played the Arizona Cardinals and won 19-0. It was very nice to get away for a day with no kids! I already want to go back and watch another game!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Liberty will turn 2 months old on Friday! I cannot believe it!
This is a video I took of her this morning while we were hanging out on my bed. It is one of her favorite things to do! I can't believe she is already making baby noises and her smiles are treasures! I hope you enjoy this as much as I do!