Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Fun tag...

Janice had this on her page and I thought I would do this!

Here are the rules...
Go to your pictures and in the 4th folder, post your 4th picture and tag 4 friends.
My fourth picture is of Riley, Anika, Brashe, and Heber with my mother at the Jensen Pumpkin Festival in 2007. I tag Debra, Robin, Mandy, Tara G and whoever else would like to play!

Where you can find me....

Ok so I will be almost out of touch for the next few days... I have a Scentsy party tomorrow night, go pick up Brashae in Price on Friday night, another Scentsy party on Saturday and then Riley is having a friend stay the night, and then go to Price again on Sunday. So please forgive me if I am not on here. I will post all about everything when I get home from work on Monday! Have a great weekend!

Blog Party Day 1 KICKOFF!

Blog party Day 1 Kickoff! Woo hooo... What we had to do today is to introduce our family and to share some holiday pictures of years past!

This picture was taken at my in laws and is about the only candid we have of the four kids together! From left to right are Anika, Brashae and Riley and Heber is the red head in the front!

This is a picture of Clint and I taken while up cutting wood!

I know these aren't holiday pictures but we are hardly ever all together since we are all in split families. We take what we can get!

Day One Blog Party Question is Brought to you by La Belle Toile and This and That by Randi.


No not that kind, I meant catch up. Ha ha.. I have been so busy that I have been neglecting my blog. So sorry! Here are a few pictures of Heber and Clint playing with the makeup... She is so dang cute!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Wendover Comedy Show

After a hectic Halloween, we got up Saturday morning and drove to Wendover Nevada to see Bill Engvall with Kevin and Lisa. This was our first comedy show and we loved it! I took my camera but only got the one picture of Clint in the motel room. We love to go to Wendover and we always play the same games. Clint and I both love the penny slots and his favorite version is The Dam Lumberjack Beavers, and mine is the Enchanted Kingdom. We both seem to win on these. Well we didn't spend all of our money as we came hoe with about $250. It was a fun weekend and I can't wait to go again!

Halloween Costumes

Here is my Aunt with the girls!

This is my Mom with the girls on Halloween night.

Here is my Granny with the girls!

One 2 yo monkey, one 10 yo star wars Clone trooper, and one 7 yo Hannah wannabe!

Wordless Wednesday 11.5.08

My husband took this picture while on a job in Fantasy Canyon. I love how the rocks look! Do you have cool formations like this in your area?