Tuesday, December 9, 2008

where oh where has Cara gone???

Ok Ok I know I have been incognito for umm like forever... I am so sorry! I know it is bad when people leave me comment son the last post I did asking about where I am...So here is a small synopsis of what I have been doing...
1. Work
2. Being sick (everyone in my family has had it and passed it back around)
3. being tired and lazy because of the pregnancy
4. Selling scentsy like crazy, I had parties and book parties galore during November!

Yeah that's it! Isn't that sad?? Oh yeah I also have been stressing about money and where Christmas is supposed to come from this year! Who doesn't do that? So now that we are into December and the Christmas songs abound, I need to get more into the spirit. Clint and I bought our Christmas present and it is a beauty. we got a new TV that is a 42 inch flat screen. Then my parents bought us the cabinet to go under it for our present too! So we won't have much under the tree but it is well worth it. I have included a picture of the tv so you can all see how enthralled Heber is with huge spongebob! She loves him and I am so over him. Ha ha! Anyways, yes we are pregnant and this is the very last one so we are hoping very much for a boy! I have been pretty sick off and on so we are taking that as a good sign! Keep your fingers crossed for us! I will post more later, as for now I had better go!

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